Language Placement

MARSEA students must show language proficiency equivalent to having completed Columbia University’s third-year level of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, or second-year level of Tibetan in their chosen specialization. This requirement may be met in one of three ways:

  • By providing proof that the language was a substantive part of their previous education (e.g., in high school, undergraduate degree, or prior graduate degree).
  • By passing the Columbia University Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALAC) language proficiency exam and receiving a three-year certificate (which is the equivalent of completing two third-year language courses at Columbia) or higher. Incoming students should take the language placement examination at the beginning of the semester in which they enter the program (see the sidebar on the right-hand side for more information).
  • By achieving a grade of B or better in Third Year Level II language course at EALAC during their MARSEA degree.